Docket No: 03-035-14


Docket Index

Docket Number: 03-035-14 [See also 05-035-08 and 05-035-09]

In the Matter of: the Application of PacifiCorp for Approval of an IRP-based Avoided Cost Methodology for QF Projects Larger than One Megawatt

For questions regarding documents that are not linked call (801) 530-6714

Date Description
August 14, 2015 ExxonMobil Notice of Withdrawal
March 21, 2013 Order on Tariff Modifications
February 11, 2013 Comments of Renewable Energy Advisors
Sept 21, 2012 Comments of Utah Clean Energy
Certificate of Service
March 8, 2012 Cover Letter
Certificate of Service
* Exhibit A – Description of Avoided Cost Input Changes
* Exhibit B – Update Impact – Updated Avoided Cost Study
* Exhibit C – Step Study between Prior Filing and Current Filing
Nov 30, 2011 Cover Letter
Certificate of Service
* Exhibit A – Description of Avoided Cost Input Changes
* Exhibit B – Update Impact – Updated Avoided Cost Study
* Exhibit C – Step Study between Prior Filing and Current Filing
Sept 8, 2011 Cover Letter
* Exhibit A – Description of Avoided Cost Input Changes
* Exhibit B – Update Impact – Updated Avoided Cost Study
* Exhibit C – Step Study between Prior Filing and Current Filing
May 26, 2011 Cover Letter
Certificate of Service
* Exhibit A – Description of Avoided Cost Input Changes
* Exhibit B – Update Impact – Updated Avoided Cost Study
* Exhibit C – Step Study Between Prior Filing and Current Filing
March 3, 2011 Quarterly Compliance Filing – 2011.Q1 Avoided Cost Input Changes
Certificate of Service
* Exhibit A – Description of Avoided Cost Input Changes
* Exhibit B – Update Impact – Updated Avoided Cost Study
* Exhibit C – Step Study between Prior Filing and Current Filing
Nov 30, 2010 Quarterly Compliance Filing – Avoided Cost Input Changes
Certificate of Service
* Exhibit A: Description of Avoided Cost Input Changes
* Exhibit B: Update Impact – Updated Avoided Cost Study
* Exhibit C: Step Study Between Prior Filing and Current Filing
Aug 30, 2010 Quarterly Compliance Filing – Avoided Cost Input Changes
Certificate of Service
* Exhibit A: Description of Avoided Cost Input Changes
* Exhibit B: Update Impact – Updated Avoided Cost Study
* Exhibit C: Step Study Between Prior Filing and Current Filing
June 17, 2010 Quarterly Compliance Filing – Avoided Cost Input Changes
Certificate of Service
* Exhibit A: Description of Avoided Cost Input Changes
* Exhibit B: Update Impact – Updated Avoided Cost Study
* Exhibit C: Step Study between Prior Filing and Current Filing
March 10, 2010 Quarterly Compliance Filing – Avoided Cost Input Charges
* Exhibit A – Pacificorp Avoided Cost Grid
* Exhibit B – Avoided Cost Prices
* Exhibit C – Utah Quarterly Compliance Filing
* Exhibit D – Wind Avoided Cost Pricing
Nov 23, 2009 Quarterly Compliance Filing – Avoided Cost Input Charges
* Exhibit A
Oct 29, 2009 Quarterly Compliance Filing – Avoided Cost Input Charges
Aug 17, 2009 Quarterly Compliance Filing – Avoided Cost Input Charges
* Exhibit A
* Exhibit B
* Exhibit C
* Exhibit D
* Exhibit E [Re: 09-999-01]
July 29, 2009 Quarterly Compliance Filing – Avoided Cost Input Charges,
* Exhibit A [Re: 09-999-01]
July 14, 2009 Quarterly Compliance Filing – Avoided Cost Input Charges,
* Exhibit A [Re: 03-035-14]
Feb 23, 2009 Comments from DPU, Re: Quarterly Compliance Filing – Avoided Cost Input Changes,
[Re: 08-999-02, 09-999-01]
Dec 17, 2008 Quarterly Compliance Filing – Avoided Cost Input Changes,
[Re: 08-999-02]
* Exhibit A
* Exhibit B
Sept 29, 2008 Comments from DPU, Re: Avoided Cost Input Charges, [Re: 08-999-02]
Sept 2, 2008 Comments from DPU [Re: 08-999-02]
Aug 12, 2008 Quarterly Compliance Filing – Avoided Cost Input Charges
[Re: 08-999-02]
* Exhibit A
* Exhibit B
June 19, 2008 Correspondence from Julie Orchard [Re: 08-999-02]
June 2, 2008 Comments from DPU, Re: Quarterly Compliance Filing, [Re: 08-999-02]
April 4, 2008 Action Request, Due: June 3, 2008
April 3, 2008 Quarterly Compliance Filing – Avoided Cost Input Changes
Feb 5, 2008 Comments from DPU
Jan 28, 2008 Comments from DPU
Nov 28, 2007 Action Request Due: January 28, 2008
Nov 27, 2007 Quarterly Compliance Filing – Avoided Cost Input Changes
* Exhibit A: COS
* Exhibit B
* Exhibit C
* Exhibit D
* Exhibit E
October 9, 2007 Comments from DPU, Re: Quarterly Compliance Filing – Avoided Cost Input Charges
August 7, 2007 Action Request, Due: October 8, 2007
August 6, 2007 Quarterly Compliance Filing – Avoided Cost Input Charges
* Exhibit A
* Exhibit B
* Exhibit C
* Exhibit D
July 23, 2007 Quarterly Compliance Filing – Avoided Cost Response to Division of Public Utilities Memo
July 13, 2007 Comments from DPU
May 14, 2007 Action Request, Due: July 13, 2007
May 8, 2007 Quarterly Compliance Filing – Avoided Cost Input Changes
Appendix A – Cover Sheet
Appendix A – Utah Q1 2007 Compliance Filing
Appendix B – Cover Sheet
Appendix B – Avoided Cost Prices
Service List
April 27, 2007 CCS Comments – Pacificorp Avoided Costs
April 6, 2007 DPU Comments – Quarterly Compliance Filing _ Avoided Cost Input Changes
Jan 31, 2007 Quarterly Compliance Filing – Avoided Cost Input Changes – Cover Letter
Exhibit 1 – Certificate of Service List
Appendix A – Model Updates from August 2006 through January 2007
Appendix B – Wind Avoided Cost Pricing
Appendix C – Avoided Cost Price
Oct 31, 2006 Quarterly Compliance Filing – Avoided Cost Input Changes
* Exhibit A – Grid Release
* Exhibit B – Avoided Cost ( Grid and Differential Revenue Requirement) Model Updates from April 2006 through August 15, 2006
* Exhibit C – Avoided Cost Prices $/MWH
* Exhibit D – Certificate of Service
May 26, 2006 Clarification Order
May 8, 2006 Request for Clarification and Petition for Reconsideration of Order
* Exhibit A
April 19 , 2006 Order
April 14, 2006 Correspondence from Pacificorp, Re: Compliance Filing
* Exhibit A: Grid Model Assumptions and Updates
* Exhibit B: Certificate of Service
Feb 17, 2006 Rebuttal Testimony of Rich Collins
Feb 17, 2006 Reconsideration Rebuttal Testimony of Gregory Probst
Feb 17, 2006 Rebuttal Testimony of Andrea Coon
Feb 17, 2006 Reconsideration Rebuttal Testimony of Bruce Griswold
Feb 17, 2006 Reconsideration Rebuttal Testimony of Kenneth Houston
Feb 16 , 2006

Response to PacifiCorp’s Motion to Strike Portions of Testimony of Roger Swenson and Request for Expedited Treatment

Feb15 , 2006 Response to PacifiCorp’s Motion to Strike Portions of Testimony of Roger Swenson and Request for Expedited Treatment
Feb 14 , 2006 PacifiCorp’s Motion to Strike Portions of Testimony of Roger Swenson and Request for Expedited Treatment
Feb 10, 2006 Reconsideration Direct Testimony of Gregory Probst
Feb 10, 2006 Prefiled Testimony of Rich Collins
Feb 10, 2006 Direct Testimony on Rehearing of Andrea Coon
Feb 10, 2006 Pre-filed Order Clarification Testimony of Roger Swenson
Feb 10, 2006 Reconsideration Direct Testimony and Exhibits-Cover Page
* Exhibit A: Reconsideration Direct Testimony of Bruce Griswold
* Exhibit 1: BWG 1
* Exhibit B: Reconsideration Direct Testimony of Kenneth Houston
Feb 2, 2006 Order on Reconsideration and Clarification 
Jan 19, 2006 Memo – from PSC Staff – Questions regarding transmission avoided cost
Jan 10, 2006 Scheduling Order
Dec 19, 2005 Order Granting Reconsideration and Clarification
Dec 19, 2005 Notice of Scheduling Conference
Dec 16, 2005 Mountain West Consulting, LLC Response to Request for Reconsideration and Petition for Rehearing or Reconsideration
Dec 15, 2005 Response to Request for Reconsideration and Petition for Rehearing or Reconsideration
Dec 14, 2005 PacifiCorp’s Response to UAE Intervention Group Petition for Review, Rehearing and Clarification and Wasatch Wind Request for Clarification and Petition for Reconsideration of Order
Dec 12, 2005 Wasatch Wind’s Response for Rehearing and Clarification
Nov 30, 2005 Request for Clarification and Petition for Reconsideration of Order
Nov 30, 2005 Request for Reconsideration
Nov 30, 2005 UAE’s Petition for Review, Rehearing and Clarification
Nov 21, 2005 Comments from DPU
* Exhibit A
* Exhibit B
* Exhibit C
* Exhibit D
* Exhibit E
* Exhibit F
* Exhibit G
Oct 31, 2005 Report and Order
Oct 11, 2005 Supplemental Testimony of Rich Collins
Oct 11, 2005 Wasatch Wind’s Comments on PacifiCorp’s Response to Exhibit Public Witness 1 and 2
Oct 11, 2005 Letter from Gregory Probst
Oct 5, 2005 Supplemental Testimony of Philip Hayet
Oct 5, 2005 Comments of Utah Clean Energy and WRA on Information Presented During Public Witness Period
Oct 5, 2005 PacifiCorp’s Comments in Response to Public Witness Testimony
Oct 4, 22005 PacifiCorp’s Response to Exhibit Public Witness 1
Sept 29, 2005 Matrix Memo
* Exhibit A – Joint Position Matrix
Sept 19, 2005 Rebuttal Testimony of Gregory Duvall
* Exhibit A
Sept 19, 2005 Rebuttal Testimony of William Avera
Sept 19, 2005 Surrebuttal Testimony of Bruce Griswold
Sept 19, 2005 Surrebuttal Testimony of Rich Collins
* Exhibit A
Sept 19, 2005 Surrebuttal Testimony of Scott Gutting
* Exhibit A
Sept 19, 2005 Surrebuttal Testimony of Neal Townsend
* Exhibit A
Sept 19, 2005 Surrebuttal Testimony of Abdinasir Abdulle
Sept 19, 2005 Surrebuttal Testimony of Andrea Coon
Sept 19, 2005 Surrebuttal Testimony of Dr. William Powell
Sept 19, 2005 Surrebuttal Testimony of Philip Hayet
Sept 19, 2005 Surrebuttal Testimony of Roger Swenson
* Exhibit A
Sept 19, 2005 Amended Scheduling Order
Sept 16, 2005 Amended Scheduling Order
Sept 14, 2005 Order Granting Reconsideration and Granting Extension for Filing  Surrebuttal Testimony for all Parties
Sept 13, 2005 PacifiCorp’s Petition for Reconsideration of Order Granting Extension for Filing Surrebuttal Testimony of Wasatch Wind
Sept 12, 2005 Order Granting Extension for Filing Surrebuttal Testimony for Wasatch Wind
Sept 12, 2005 Supplemental Rebuttal Testimony of William Avera to the Direct Testimony of Richard Collins
Sept 12, 2005 Supplemental Rebuttal Testimony of Gregory Duvall to the Direct Testimony of Richard Collins
Sept 12, 2005 PacifiCorp’s Reply in Opposition to Petition for Extension for Filing Surrebuttal Testimony of Wasatch Wind
Sept 12, 2005 Petition for Extension for Filing Surrebuttal Testimony for Wasatch Wind
Sept 12, 2005 Revised Rebuttal Testimony of Mahendra Shah
Sept 9 , 2005 Rebuttal Testimony of Phil Hayet
* Exhibit A – CCS Exhibit 1
Sept 8 , 2005 Rebuttal Testimony of Mahendra Shah
Sept 8 , 2005 Rebuttal Testimony of William Avera
* Exhibit A – Qualifications
* Exhibit B
Sept 8 , 2005 Rebuttal Testimony of Gregory Duvall
Sept 8 , 2005 Rebuttal Testimony of Bruce Griswold
Sept 8 , 2005 Rebuttal Testimony of Hutch Henrie
Sept 8 , 2005 Rebuttal Testimony of Roger Swenson
* Exhibit A USM Exhibits 1R.1-1R.2
Sept 8 , 2005 Rebuttal Testimony of Andrea Coon
* Exhibit A DPU 2.1r
Sept 8 , 2005 Rebuttal Testimony of Abdinasir Abdulle
Sept 8 , 2005 Rebuttal Testimony of Rich Collins
Sept 8 , 2005 Pre-Filed Rebuttal Testimony of Roger Swenson
Certificate of Service
Aug 29, 2005 Appendix A, Re: Gregory Probst
Aug 29, 2005 Settlement Conference Agenda
Aug 24, 2005 Order Granting Intervention to Mountain West Consulting
Aug 24, 2005 Notice of Hearing
Aug 11, 2005 Erratum Order Extending Rebuttal Testimony to Late Filed Direct Testimony of Wasatch Wind
Aug 10, 2005 Order Extending Rebuttal Testimony to Late Filed Direct Testimony of Wasatch Wind
Aug 10, 2005 Order Granting Intervention to Wasatch Wind
Aug 5, 2005 PacifiCorp’s Motion to Strike Late-Filed Testimony, or in the Alternative, Motion for Additional Time to Respond
Aug 3, 2005 Order Granting Intervention to WRA and UCE
Aug 1, 2005 Direct Testimony of Bob Anderson – Utah Clean Energy and Western Resource Advocates
July 29, 2005 Petition for Intervention of Mountain West Consulting
July 29, 2005 Prefiled Testimony of David Olive – Spring Canyon Energy
July 29, 2005 Prefiled Testimony of Roger Swenson – Pioneer Ridge
Exhibits 1.1 – 1.4
Certificate of Service
July 29, 2005 Prefiled Testimony of Philip Hayet – CCS
Exhibit 1.1
Exhibit 1.2
July 29, 2005 Prefiled Testimony of Artie Powell – DPU
Certificate of Service
July 29, 2005 Prefiled Testimony of Andrea Coon – DPU
Certificate of Service
July 29, 2005 Prefiled Testimony of Abdinasir M. Abdulle – DPU
Certificate of Service
July 29, 2005 Prefiled Testimony of Roger J. Swenson
Exhibits 1.1 – 1.4
July 29, 2005 Prefiled Testimony of Neal Townsend – UAE Intervention Group
Exhibit 2.1 and Exhibit 2.2
July 29, 2005 Prefiled Testimony of Matt Baebler – UAE Intervention Group
July 29, 2005 Prefiled Testimony of Scott Gutting – UAE Intervention Group
July 29 , 2005 Prefiled Testimony of Rich Collins – Wasatch Wind
Exhibit – Wind Proxy Model Results
July 29 , 2005 Prefiled Testimony of Tracy Livingston – Wasatch Wind
July 18 , 2005 Petition for Leave to Intervene of Wasatch Wind LLC
July 6 , 2005 Petition for Leave to Intervene of WRA and Utah Clean Energy
July 5 , 2005 Appendix A, Re: Gary Dodge, Kelly Francone, Richard Anderson, Gregory Probst, Richard Collins, Scott Gutting, Neal Townsend, and Hutch Henrie
July 1, 2005 Amended Scheduling Order
June 15 , 2005 Appendix A, Re: James Sharp and Marc Johnson
June 14 , 2005 Appendix A, Re: Thorvald Nelson
June 13 , 2005 Order Granting Intervention
June 13 , 2005 Order Granting Intervention
May 18 , 2005 Order of Clarification
May 18 , 2005 Petition to Intervene of Spring Canyon Energy, LLC
May 18 , 2005 Motion to Intervene of Pioneer Ridge LLC and Mountain Wind LLC
May 6 , 2005 Appendix A, Re: Leslie Reberg
May 2 , 2005 Direct Testimony of Matthew Larson
May 2 , 2005 Direct Testimony of Mahendra Shah
Exhibit 1 – Utilities & Poor’s Utilities & Perspectives
Exhibit 2 – Incremental Cost Imposed by a Capital Lease or Imputed Debt
May 2 , 2005 Direct Testimony of Bruce Griswold
Exhibit 1 – Wind QF Pricing Procedure
Exhibit 2 – Wind Integration – Table 2
May 2 , 2005 Direct Testimony of Gregory Duvall
Exhibit – Avoided Cost Prices
April 28 , 2005 CCS Request for Reconsideration
April 27 , 2005 PacifiCorp’s Response to ExxonMobile’s Request for Review or Rehearing
April 2 6, 2005 Spring Canyon Energy, LLC’s Response and Opposition to ExxonMobil’s Petition for Review or Rehearing
April 20 , 2005 Appendix A, Re: Stephen Mecham, David Olive, and David Graeber
April 19 , 2005 Scheduling Order
April 13 , 2005 Intervenor List Compliled at Scheduling Conference
April 11, 2005 EXXONMOBIL Request for Review or Rehearing
April 1 , 2005 Report and Order
March 17, 2005 Order Granting Intervention  – to ExxonMobile
March 11, 2005 Petition to Intervene of ExxonMobil
Feb 28, 2005 Updated Stipulation
* Exhibit A
* Exhibit B
Feb 11, 2005 Notice of Scheduling Conference
Feb 11, 2005 Comments from DPU
Oct 7, 2004 Order Denying Spring Canyon Energy Request
Oct 1, 2004 Fax from David Graeber
June 28, 2004 Report and Order
May 20, 2004 Stipulation
May 19, 2004 Letter from Senator Leonard Blackham
May 19, 2004 Letter from Senator Curtis Bramble, Representative Greg Curtis, and Representative Becky Lockhart
May 18, 2004 Letter from Eli Anderson
May 18, 2004 Letter from Ron Allen
May 14, 2004 Letter from James Gowans
May 13, 2004 Surrebuttal Testimony of Scott Gutting
*Exhibit A
*Exhibit B
May 13, 2004 Surrebuttal Testimony of Richard Collins
* Exhibit A – Proposed Avoided Cost Rates
May 12, 2004 Surrebuttal Testimony of Bruce Williams
* Exhibit A – Calculation of Costs
May 12, 2004 Surrebuttal Testimony of Phil Hayet – CCS
May 12, 2004 Surrebuttal Testimony of Rodger Weaver – PacifiCorp
May 12, 2004 Surrebuttal Testimony of Mark Tallman – PacifiCorp
May 12, 2004 Surrebuttal Testimony of Bruce Griswold – PacifiCorp
May 12, 2004 Surrebuttal Testimony of Charles M. Darling, IV
May 12, 2004 Prefiled Surrebuttal Testimony of Roger J. Swenson
May 11, 2004 Surrebuttal Testimony of Artie Powell – DPU
May 10, 2004 Revised Scheduling Order
May 7, 2004 Amended Rebuttal Testimony of Jeff Burks
May 6, 2004 Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony of Roger Swenson
*Exhibit A
May 6, 2004 Rebuttal Testimony of Bruce Griswold
May 6, 2004 Rebuttal Testimony of Rodger Weaver
May 6, 2004 Rebuttal Testimony of Mark Tallman
May 6, 2004 Rebuttal Testimony of Bruce N. Williams
*Exhibit A
May 6, 2004 Rebuttal Testimony of UAE
Scott Gutting
Richard Collins
May 6, 2004 Rebuttal Testimony of Artie Powell – DPU
May 6, 2004 Rebuttal Testimony of Kelly Francone – CCS
April 28, 2004 Rebuttal Testimony of Jeff Burks – UEO
April 27, 2004 Motion to Amend Procedural Schedule
April 23, 2004 Amended Order Granting Intervention – UAE and UEO
April 13, 2004 PacifiCorp’s Opposition to the Petition to Intervene of the UAE Intervention Group
April 13, 2004 Order Granting Intervention – UAE and UEO
April 12, 2004 Direct Testimony of Artie Powell – DPU
April 12, 2004 Direct Testimony of Kelly Francone – CCS
*Exhibit A* Exhibit B – FERC Policy Evolves on Renewable Energy Credits and QFs in US.*Exhibit C
*Exhibit D
April 12, 2004 Prefiled Direct Testimony of Philip Hayet – CCS
* Exhibit A – Resume
* Exhibit B – Comments from CCS to PSC 4/9/04
April 9, 2004 Prefiled Direct Testimony of Roger J. Swenson
April 9, 2004 Petition to Intervene of Utah Association of Energy Users
April 9, 2004 Notice of Extended Filing Date of Testimony
April 8, 2004 Petition to Intervene of UEO
March 24, 2004 Comments from CCS
March 24, 2004 Scheduling Order
March 23, 2004 Order Granting Intervention – USEA
March 19, 2004 Notice of Scheduling Conference
March 17, 2004 Motion for Leave to Intervene for USEA
March 12, 2004 Appendix A, RE: Stephen Mecham, Charles Darling, and Catherine Fonfara
March 8, 2004 Order Granting Intervention for USMAG and Deseret Power
March 8, 2004 Proposed Schedule
March 1, 2004 Motion to Intervene of US Magnesium LLC
February 12, 2004 Petition to Intervene of Desert Power, L.P.
September 24, 2003 Order
July 30, 2003 Comments from DPU – Action Request Response
May 27, 2003 Application

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