Docket No: 09-2519-01

Greenfly Networks Inc, dba Clearfly Communications

Docket Index

Docket Number: 09-2519-01

In the Matter of: the Application of Clearfly Communications to be a Competitor in Providing Local Exchange Service or Other Public Telecommunications Service Specific Authorization for Certificate of Operating Authority (CLEC)


For questions regarding documents not linked call 801-530-6714

Date Description
February 9, 2010 Report and Order
January 21, 2010 Hearing – Use Windows Media Player
January 7, 2010 Notice of Hearing
December 23, 2009 Comments from DPU
December 3, 2009 Action Request: Due 3/3/2010
December 3, 2009 Application – Removed, waiting for a redacted copy
* Exhibit A

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