Docket No: 11-041-T05

Citizens Telecom Company of Utah dba Frontier Communications of Utah

Tariff File

Docket Number: 11-041-T05

In the Matter of: The purpose of this filing is to discontinue the Deaf and Hearing Impaired Surcharge and introduce the Hearing or Speech Impaired Surcharge, pursuant to the amendment of Rule 746- 343-15.


For questions regarding documents not linked call 801-530-6714

Date Description
August 8, 2011 Tariff Approval Letter from Commission
July 6, 2011 Comments from DPU
June 29, 2011 Action Request, Due: July 25, 2011
June 29, 2011 Cover Letter
* Exhibit A – Check Sheet, 11-T05
* Exhibit B – Schedule No. AA, 11-T05
* Exhibit C – Schedule No. x-1, 11-T05
* Exhibit D – Schedule No. z-2, 11-T05

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