Section I: Goals and Objectives (Draft)

FY 2020 Utah WIC State Plan

I. Vendor Management

E-WIC EBT Goals FY2018 Vendor Management Goals FY2018

II. Nutrition Services – Breastfeeding

Nutrition Education Plan FY18Nutrition Education Plan FY19

III. Information System

Information System Goals FY2017

IV. Organization and Management

Organization and Management Goals FY2017

V. Nutrition Services and Administration Expenditures

VI. Food Funds Management

VII. Caseload Management

Caseload Management Goals FY17

VIII. Certification

IX. Food Benefit Accountability and Control

X. Monitoring and Audits

XI. Civil Rights

Public comment is welcome on the development of the WIC State Plan. Contact the State WIC Office for information at 1-877-WIC-KIDS.